Service With Answers

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Application Backend Support

Empower Your App's Success with Expert Backend Support!

Why choose us?

Multilingual Service

We are professional one-stop 24/7/365 multilingual outsourced call centre service provider. We provide multilingual services such as English, Chinese, Malay and Cantonese.




















Our Team

Our staffs are comprised of knowledgeable, friendly, and passionate people who are dedicated to support and deliver exceptional results for our clients. We are a team that work towards the organization’s goals efficiently. We firmly believe in “people-oriented culture” can benefits our organization and we value teamwork to achieve greater results.

Company Culture

We firmly believe that company culture will affect the attitude and enthusiasm of employees. We organize company events and team building activities to motivate employees and at the same time recognizing the hard work and contributions of team members. We focus on maintaining a positive work environment by encouraging balance between work and life leads to greater job satisfaction among employees. As a result, our average employee turnover rate is less than 10% and this indicates that we are able to reduce labor, training and recruitment costs.

Customer is our top priority

We believe that the customers always come first, and our team of friendly and experienced people are on hand to advise and support you whenever you need them. We go above and beyond to ensure you always receive the best products and services, at the best rates.

Sustainable Business Growth

Stable development performance is the key factor for the sustainable expansion and development of enterprises. It help us to focus on new business while adapting to changing environments. We constantly adapt in order to stay in the current marketplace by encouraging employees to learn new skills and gain knowledge. Our employee training programs provide the skills they need to be more productive and adaptable in modern digital workplace.

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We've worked with some of the biggest brands